Snapback Hats vs Baseball Caps vs Fitted Hats |

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Snapback Hats vs Baseball Caps vs Fitted Hats

Snapback Hats vs Baseball Caps vs Fitted Hats

Snapback Hats vs Baseball Caps vs Fitted Hats

We will be discussing the differences between Snapbacks vs Baseball Caps vs Fitted Hats. There are a lot of confusion about the differences between these caps for people who are not familiar with the industry. Below we explain it to you in the simplest way and hopefully you'll be able to distinguish the difference going forward.

Snapback Hats vs Baseball Caps

Snapback caps are a style of baseball cap. There are about 7 different styles of baseball caps including snapbacks, fitted hats, strapbacks,dad hats, flex fit and even pill box and more. So you can't really compare snapback hats to baseball caps because it falls under the umbrella of being a baseball cap.

Snapback Hats vs Fitted Hats

Snapback hats and fitted hats are 90% the same style of baseball caps with one major difference...the back of the cap. With a fitted hat there are no opening on the back. Fitted hats have complete closure on the back of the hat and requires the hat wearer measure their head in order to get the right size cap. Fitted hats also known as "fitteds" have approximately 12 sizes ranging from size 6 - 8. Snapback hats on the other hand have an opening on the back with two plastic strips that "snaps" into place. You can easily adjust a snapback hat to fit your head size by snapping the plastic strip closer together. You cannot do this with fitted hats. So if you choose the wrong fitted're out of luck. You may have to go to the store to pick up a new one and return the one you currently have.

Snapback Caps vs Snapback Hats

There is no wright or wrong answer when it comes to the proper name. Some people say "snapbacks", others say "snapback caps" or "snapback hats" or "9Fifty" (referring to New Era's brand snapback caps). All of these mean the same style hat. Speaking technically most baseball hats are not called "hats", they are called "caps". So "technically" its fitted caps, snapback caps and baseball caps. However, on the internet (the internet has no chill) refer to these hats as fitted hats and snapback hats while still referring to baseball caps as baseball caps. Digging into this can get confusing but it's really not something you should worry about.